From left to right: Dr. Chayanee Chatvanichkul from Ramathibodi Hospital, Thailand, and Drs. Nicholas Tong, Alice Chen, and Chris Wyatt from the UBC Faculty of Dentistry.
A team of researchers from UBC and Thailand presented their research poster “Survival of Direct Tooth Coloured Dental Restorations in Frail Older Adults: A Pilot Study,” at the Special Care Dental Association conference in Seattle, April 26-29, 2018. The team (pictured) consisted of Dr. Chayanee Chatvanichkul from Ramathibodi Hospital, Thailand, and Drs. Nicholas Tong, Alice Chen, and Chris Wyatt from the UBC Faculty of Dentistry.
Their research aimed to determine the survival of dental restorations placed in the teeth of frail older adults within the UBC Geriatric Dentistry Program.
View the research poster here >>