The Geriatric Dentistry Program educates hospital nursing staff, residents and their families, dental students, and dentists. A dental hygienist trains nurses and care aides to provide daily oral hygiene and to recognize abnormalities in the mouth. UBC undergraduate and graduate dental students, General Practice Residents (hospital based dental residents), and dental hygiene students participate in clinical care within some of our LTC facilities. It is our hope that because of this educational experience, graduating dentists will be better prepared to provide services to this under serviced population.
Continuing Dental Education programs are provided to raise awareness of issues concerning seniors’ oral health and provision of dental care.
The dental hygienist reviews hospital protocols, recommends oral hygiene products, provides in-service education, and monitors the provision of daily mouth care for residents. Mouthcare guidelines and protocols contain a separate denture labeling protocol, a nursing assessment of oral conditions form, algorithms for routine and specialized mouthcare, along with instructional materials for families of residents. The educational program for nurses and care aides is based upon the UBC GDP educational package “Mouthcare for Persons in Residential Care” and British Columbia Dental Association.